2024 Renewme Skin Clinic Annual Autumn Seminar at Jamsil Branch

[生物时报] 丽优美皮肤科2024年秋季综合研讨会在所有分院院长和相关人员的参与下圆满结束。

Renewme Skin Clinic successfully completed 2024 October Annial Seminar with all representative doctors and staffs attending.

此次研讨会以“健康功能美学:为了健康生活的抗衰老”为主题进行了相关探讨研究及发表,涵盖了脱发治疗和实际费用医学(Treatment of Alopeica and Actual Expense Insurance Medicine)、高压氧舱治疗(Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy)、新引入的脑电波与脉波压力测试(HRV&EEG)及处方,此外,还探讨了激光治疗皮肤瑕疵/斑点、Eravity激光、Mirajet/Morpheus8/Trifecta Pro在疤痕治疗中的应用、顽固性色素疾病治疗、超声波与高频提拉、皮肤营养剂与胶原蛋白增强剂的施术等内容。

The theme of this annual seminar was 'The Beauty of Health Function: Anti-aging for Healthy Life'.

The representative doctors presented at the seminar about

'Treatment of Alopecia and Actual Expense Insurance Medicne,'

'Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy,'

'Newly introduced HRV&EEG test machine and prescription based on test results,'

'Melasma and pigmentation treatment using laser,'

HRV&EEG Test Machine

'Scar treatment using Eravity laser, Mirajet, Morpheus 8, Triplepro,'

'HIFU and RF laser lifting,' and 'Skin booster and collagen booster.' 




With all branches' representative doctors attending the seminar, the doctors shared professional knowhow and discussed about the seminar theme.

After seminar presentation, the doctor shared technology demonstration at Renewme Skin Clinic Jamsil branch.


"We pioneered new trend of dermatology clinic's trend and shared know-hows to make better results with all doctors attending the seminar," 

said the person from the Renewme Skin Clinic network.

[生物时报=郑敏雅 记者] news@biotimes.co.kr





13 Oct 2024