Renewme Skin Clinic held Skin Vive commemorate introduction seminar at Hongje branch, November 28th 2024.
弘济店的宋秉韩院长亲自协助并操作了微晶瓷胶原蛋白助推剂的施术。他还分享了自己的独家施术经验与知识,并共同探讨并交流了见解 :)
During the seminar, the doctors shared medical information and studied new approach on not only Skin Vive but also Radiesse, Sculptra, and various filler procedure.
Dr. Song Byeong Han from Hongje branch demonstrated collagen booster Radiesse procedure and assisted other doctor’s practice as well.
宋秉韩院长今天亲自演示了手背和颈纹的施术过程,并与大家探讨了如何让患者获得更高满意度的治疗效果 :)
施术后,面部容积恢复饱满,从任何角度看都显得自然美丽,能够帮助患者重拾青春与自信 :)
Radiesse has wide range of applicable procedure area – face, hands, neck, and body.
Dr. Song demonstrated Radiesse procedure on hands and neck, sharing tips how to maximize the patient satisfactory.
After Radiesse demonstration, Dr. Song continued the seminar with Sculptra.
Sculptra is a collagen booster mixed with Skin Vive.
Sculptra can give natural volume that looks natural on all angles, giving beauty and bring youth back.
Dr. Song continued Morpheus 8 hands-on as well.
Dr. Song demonstrated Skin Vive and filler procedure.
Skin Vive is a procedure that Renewme Skin Clinic recently started.
Skin Vive increases aquaporin3 and hyaluronic acid, balancing the skin and making skin moist and healthy.
Skin Vive heals broken skin barrier and improves fine wrinkles, skin dryness, hyper pigmentation and overall skin quality.
To provide more safe and satisfying results, the doctors held this seminar.
Filler is not just a little difference to appearance – that little change can give big confidence.
Renewme Skin Clinic seeks for natural and beautiful result using filler, and have detailed patient’s consultation before the procedure to check the patient’s need.
The doctors are continuing to study and practice for best results!