December 12th 2024, Bundang Renewme Skin Clinic held skin booster seminar for Skin Vive introduction.
On this seminar, Bundang branch dermatologists discussed about various injectables like Skin Vive, Sculptra, Radiesse, dermal filler,
and botox, practiced the procedure, and lecture to have better understanding about the procedures.
Radiesse 是一种含有体内天然存在的矿物成分(CaHA)的产品。
The branch started the seminar with Radiesse hands-on.
Radiesse is a collagen booster consisted of CaHA which provokes fibroblast activity, filling in the lack of core and producing ECM.
Radiesse 已通过美国FDA认证,在全球80多个国家销售,具有良好的安全性。
Radiesse is a safe collagen booster approved by FDA used worldwide in more than 80 countries.
Radiesse has skin lifting, fine wrinkle improvement, pore decreasing, and skin tone improvement effect.
During this seminar, the doctor showed Radiesse hands-on on smile lines and hand wrinkles.
After the hands-on, all staffs attended Radiesse lecture.
随后,我们开始了今年冬季新引进的 SkinVive长效水光的教学活动。
Skin Vive skin booster lecture was continued after Radiesse lecture.
SkinVive 的培训以实践为核心,由盆塘店的代表院长崔右榛亲自进行了示范操作。
Doctor Choi Woo Jin demonstrated Skin Vive procedure during the lecture,
and after Dr. Choi’s demonstration, Bundang branch’s doctors studied more about safe injection, customized procedure design,
and more detailed information about the procedure.
完成SkinVive培训后,接着进行了童颜针Sculptra 的研讨会。
The seminar continued with Sculptra education.
童颜针Sculptra 是一种注射用PLLA(聚左旋乳酸)产品,能刺激体内胶原蛋白的生成,是一种胶原蛋白生成促进剂。
Sculptra is an injectable PLLA(poly-L-lactic acid) which provokes collagen synthesis,
providing volume to sunken area, giving elasticity and decreasing wrinkles.
童颜针Sculptra 不仅能从多角度呈现自然的饱满效果,其安全性和持久性也备受认可,是长期以来备受欢迎的产品之一。
Sculptra is popular for natural volume that looks natural on all angles with approved safety and long-lasting effect.
完成 Radiesse、SkinVive、Sculptra 的培训后,我们还进行了面部提升治疗超声刀的相关学习。
After collagen booster lectures, the branch continued the seminar about popular laser lifting Ulthera
and sleep anesthesia for patients who’re worried about procedures’ pain.
Renewme皮肤科医院 将持续研究与进步,竭尽全力成为更好的皮肤科医院!感谢您的支持!
Renewme Skin Clinic will constantly study and share new techniques to provide safer and satisfying result to our patients.